Saturday, December 28, 2019

Verificar estatus de caso migratorio con el USCIS

Verificar el estatus del caso de inmigracià ³n en Estados Unidos es un derecho de todas las personas con un caso ante el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En ocasiones la demora puede ser tan grande que uno acaba preguntà ¡ndose si es que algo va mal o comienza a tener nervios imaginando lo peor y que su caso no va a ser aprobado. Lo cierto es que casi siempre lo que sucede es que las demoras son muy grandes, particularmente para cierto tipo de trà ¡mites. Por ello, en este artà ­culo se explica cà ³mo se puede conocer quà © està ¡ pasando con la solicitud migratoria por medio de Internet, por telà ©fono o en persona. Ademà ¡s, hacia el final del artà ­culo hay un enlace para averiguar los tiempos promedio que se està ¡n tardando para tramitar peticiones de familia, naturalizaciones, casos en corte e incluso peticiones de visas no inmigrantes.   Opciones para verificar estatus migratorio con USCIS Internet: Por medio de la pà ¡gina oficial USICS Se necesita el nà ºmero de identificacià ³n del caso, el cual consta de 13 caracteres (3 letras seguidas por 10 nà ºmeros).Por telà ©fono: 1-800-375-5283. Las personas con problemas de audicià ³n pueden marcar al 1-800-767-1833.En persona: Puede presentarse en cualquier oficina migratoria (solo migrantes con estatus legal). Utilice el sistema InfoPass para concertar una cita previamente.  ¿Cà ³mo verificar el estatus del caso con el USCIS? La pà ¡gina de Internet del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) ofrece un servicio en inglà ©s y en espaà ±ol para revisar cà ³mo se va procesando el caso migratorio de cada inmigrante. Debe introducirse en la casilla apropiada el nà ºmero de recibo del caso que se quiere verificar y està ¡ compuesto por 13 caracteres. Esto es, tres letras seguido por diez nà ºmeros. Las letras pueden ser cualquiera de las siguientes: EAC, WAC, LIN, SRC. Es muy importante que al introducir no se escriba ningà ºn sà ­mbolo de guion (-). Sin embargo, si el nà ºmero incluye otros sà ­mbolos, como por ejemplo asteriscos (*), sà ­ deben incluirse. El nà ºmero que pide la pà ¡gina del USCIS es el que corresponde a un determinado caso migratorio. Se encuentra en el recibo de confirmacià ³n que envà ­a a cada inmigrante que realiza una peticià ³n o solicitud antes las autoridades migratorias. En el caso de peticiones de tarjeta de residencia para un familiar o de visa de prometido (novio o fiancà ©), ese nà ºmero està ¡ en el documento conocido como NOA1. Despuà ©s de introducir el nà ºmero de recibo, presionar la tecla de verifique estatus. Se abrirà ¡ una pantalla en la que se pueden comprobar los pasos por los que ya ha pasado la solicitud del inmigrante y cuà ¡les està ¡n todavà ­a pendientes.  ¿Cà ³mo recibir actualizaciones de estatus de caso electrà ³nico? Cada inmigrante que tiene un caso pendiente con el USCIS puede solicitar que se le mantenga al dà ­a sobre cà ³mo se va procesando su solicitud mediante correo electrà ³nico. Para este caso es preciso crear previamente una cuenta en la pà ¡gina del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n presionando en inscribirse como cliente solicitante. A continuacià ³n, debe aceptar los tà ©rminos y condiciones de uso de este servicio y ya se puede darse de alta en este servicio. Informacià ³n electrà ³nica para planillas N-400 e I-90 Solo para los casos de los formularios N-400, para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n, o I-90, la solicitud para reemplazar la tarjeta de residente permanente o green card, es posible verificar el estatus del caso mediante el denominado e-request. Para poder utilizar este servicio es necesario que ya haya transcurrido el tiempo normal de procesamiento de estos documentos y no se tenga respuesta. Por ejemplo, en la actualidad para el N-400 està ¡ entre 12 y 20 meses, variando enormemente segà ºn la oficina encargada para su procesamiento. Por otro lado, para el I-90, de 4 meses a 10 meses y medio. Si pasado este tiempo no tiene noticias, puede plantear su pregunta. Si sigue sin obtener respuesta, debe dejar pasar 30 dà ­as antes de volver a pedir una explicacià ³n. Solicitud de informacià ³n sobre el estatus del caso en persona Los inmigrantes con estatus migratorio legal pueden verificar el estatus del caso presentà ¡ndose en las oficinas del USCIS y, tras esperar en fila a que llegue su turno, preguntar por su caso. O tambià ©n es posible concertar una cita para un dà ­a y una hora en concreto mediante el servicio InfoPass. Es muy importante que los migrantes indocumentados no se presenten voluntariamente en persona en las oficinas del USCIS ya que pueden ser detenidos. Sin embargo, en los casos en los que han sido previamente citados sà ­ deben presentarse, pero es altamente recomendable que vayan acompaà ±ados de abogados migratorios. Solicitud por telà ©fono de informacià ³n sobre estatus de caso Los migrantes tambià ©n pueden comunicarse con el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n por telà ©fono, marcando al 1-800-375-5283 o al 1-800-767-1833, si se sufre de algà ºn problema de audicià ³n. Se brinda servicio en inglà ©s y en espaà ±ol. Se puede llamar a cualquier otra para recibir informacià ³n automatizada, es decir, ofrecida por una computadora. Para hablar con una persona es preciso realizar la llamada en horas de oficina (8am a 6 pm) de lunes a viernes, si el inmigrante se encuentra en cualquiera de los estados de EUA excepto Hawaii (8am-4pm) o Alaska (8am-5pm). Recuerde tener a mano toda la informacià ³n necesaria, como el nà ºmero de caso, el Alien Registration Number, si se tiene, el pasaporte o cualquier otro documento que contenga informacià ³n importante sobre su situacià ³n de inmigracià ³n en USA. Verificar estatus de caso con el CENTRO NACIONAL DE VISAS Despuà ©s de que el USCIS apruebe una peticià ³n de visa no inmigrante, si la tramitacià ³n debe seguir un procesamiento consular (cuando la persona pedida està ¡ fuera de EEUU o, si està ¡ aquà ­, no puede ajustar su estatus) la solicitud pasa al Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Y aquà ­ se va a recibir un nuevo nà ºmero de caso, que es el que se debe utilizar para comunicarse con el NVC. Es muy importante entender, ademà ¡s, que en los siguientes casos la tramitacià ³n va a quedar dormida por un tiempo: peticià ³n de ciudadano de green card para hijos casados, hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os y hermanospeticià ³n de residentes para cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros (menores y mayores de 21 aà ±os)peticiones de green card patrocinadas por empleador Esto se debe a que es necesario que haya tarjetas de residencia disponibles para la categorà ­a por la que se aplica. Asà ­, es posible obtener la aprobacià ³n en unos meses pero tener que esperar incluso aà ±os por la green card. Una vez que hay nà ºmero de visa disponible, comienza la fase final de la tramitacià ³n. La disponibilidad de tarjetas de residencia o determinadas categorà ­as de visas se puede verificar en el à ºltimo boletà ­n de visas  del Departamento de Estado, para ello hay que tener a mano la fecha de prioridad que aparece en la carta que se conoce como NOA2, y que envià ³ el USCIS. Por el contrario, las peticiones de ciudadano para cà ³nyuge, hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os y padres no tienen que esperar, por lo que una vez que lleguen al NVC se procederà ¡ a su tramitacià ³n sin demora. Tiempos de demora en tramitacià ³n y quà © hacer con retrasos. Es posible informarse de cuà ¡nto aproximadamente se està ¡n demorando los casos similares ante el USCIS dependiendo de la oficina de tramitacià ³n, visas no inmigrantes, migrantes, NVC e incluso en  Corte etc. Ademà ¡s, en casos de demoras mà ¡s allà ¡ de lo habitual para el mismo tipo de casos, se puede demandar mediante lo que se conoce como un writ of mandamus. Para ellos, consultar antes con un abogado. De interà ©s para obtener confiable informacià ³n para resolver inquietudes Para obtener mà ¡s informacià ³n sobre telà ©fonos o pà ¡ginas webs en los que acudir para encontrar informacià ³n oficial, denunciar fraudes migratorios o encontrar asesorà ­a legal a buen precio y reputada se puede consultar esta lista importante de recursos para migrantes. Este es un artà ­culo meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How Nelson Mandela Encouraged His Country to Move On

C. S. Lewis once said, â€Å"Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.† Nelson Mandela helped his country cross the monkey bars from apartheid to democracy, from Once a left-wing extremist, Mandela’s 27 years in prison taught him that the only way his country would survive and thrive was if his people learned to forgive and move on. A willingness to forgive can be all it takes to unite a fiercely divided country. The new South African government, led by President Mandela, addressed the â€Å"need for understanding but not for vengeance, a need for reparation but not for retaliation, a need for ubuntu but not for victimisation† (Volmink 191). Ubuntu, a Bantu word meaning, â€Å"I am because you are,† expresses the concept that our humanity is inherently bound up with one another. Volmink, argues that we can never be complete as human beings as long as we are alienated from one another (191). As part of the beginning of the post-apartheid era, Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC) established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which â€Å"promoted reconciliation as an ideal, not only for nation-building, but also for individual healing† (Muiu 137). This idea for a safe environment in which both victims and perpetrators could vent and share their stories without judgement gave the commission it’s power. All participants were guided toward reconciliation and some wereShow MoreRelatedNelson Mandela a Transformation Leader Essay850 Words   |  4 PagesNelson Mandela A Transformation Leader This week we are asked to discuss a prominent leader that we admire, Nelson Mandela was an easy choice for me. An effective leader according to the text is â€Å"someone who works with, motivates, and helps followers to attain their common organizational goals† (Weiss, 2011, p.234). 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All Government action and response was decided according to the policy of apartheid. In South Africa the white people are in the minority, and many were worried that they would lose their jobs, culture and language which explain how people were thinking ( Staff). Here we observe how the whites responded in a time where they felt a need to â€Å"protect the weakerRead MoreThe Life of Nelson Mandela2518 Words   |  11 PagesNelson Mandela is a man who is widely known throughout the world. This man is considered a hero of South Africa and is a man who is also considered to be a man who helped change the world for the better. Life was difficult in the city of Mvezo, Transkei and on July 18, 1918 a hero was born. Nelson Mandela’s original name was Rolihlahla Mandela and he was born into the Madiba clan. All of Mandela’s family before him had never gone to school or received a proper education. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Why Censorship is bad Essay Example For Students

Why Censorship is bad Essay Censorship is berated and attacked verbally by proponents of freedom of expression. Yet these same individuals seek solutions to the problems needling society. A cause is always sought after and more often than not one of its causes, the freedom of expression, particularly in television, is not given enough consideration. Our free speech and our decisions to act and behave according to how we see fit is covered under the (#) Amendment(s). However, the First Amendment is not an excuse to allow networks and their shows writers to pass on just nything to the viewing public. Andrew Carnegie himself was a patron of the arts and thus said in his dedication address at the library of Pittsburgh: There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing elseMy aspirations take a higher flight. Mine be it to have contributed to the enlightenment and the joys of the mind, to the things of the spirit, to all that tends to bring into the lives of the toilers of Pittsburgh sweetness and light. I hold this the noblest possible use of wealth. Imagine the look on Mr. Carnegies face if he were to witness the noblest possible use of his wealth going towards not the high-minded art of producing noteworthy things, but to the production of such adulterated shows as Temptation Island or the tasteless jokes told on late-night television. An argument frequently made that it is the parents responsibility, and not a government to impose on the public what is good and bad to watch. The invention and introduction of the V-chip wrenches the control from parents and laces it into the television set, an already untrustworthy source of images prone to create more of a harmful dependence than enlightened independence. The V-ship, in its technological glory, is supposed to read a program and search for the very things the parent has dictated to be unsuitable, and then filter out those images. Unfortunately, the coding of ratings is voluntary, and though compliance is progressing or has progressed, it still remains to be seen whether information of the V-chip itself will be made readily available to the arenting owners of television sets. The July 5, 1999 deadline for half of all TV sets to be installed with the new technology has since been past and met. Most major companies (Philips, Sanyo, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, Thomson and Zenith) have fully complied, with the hope that the remaining companies fall readily into compliance. Last but not least is the trumpeting cry for the children. When learning tasks, skills, and non(acceptable) behaviors, children take a monkey see, monkey do approach. Perhaps the reason why Sesame Street is so popular is because hildren are allowed to imitate the Count counting or repeat the sound of words being sounded out from the television screen. In the same way that television can aid in the learning of young children, it can also help foster within them aggression. : The average American child will have watched 100,000 acts of televised violence, including 8000 depictions of murder, by the time he or she finishes sixth grade (approximately 13 years old). These acts of violence that flash across the pupils of the young does harm from the fact that children follow examples.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Partnership Form of Business Samples for Students -Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Partnership Firm. Answer: Introduction Partnership by definition refers to a relationship which exists between persons with mutual concern and common interest to start a business venture with a motive to continue it further with a view to earning profit. The mutual rights and duties of partners are ascertained by an agreement known as partnership deed wherein the share of profit and other important clauses are mentioned and under respective act be it registered or unregistered partnership business. The partnership deed or agreement is a mutual contract and has agreement papers and documents governing the terms, rules and regulation and strict norms to be followed by each and every partner during the course of the partnership business. However, in the recent era partnership firms involving a group of people do render names to different partners. The names given are Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Junior Partners and Senior Partners. The report below will shed light on partnership, the business, partnership deed and the basis of compensating the partners. Determination of the senior partner A partnership firm can be started as registered or unregistered and set up any major or minor area according to their line of interest. A partnership starts with minimum two people involved and can extend up to many owners even beyond hundred depending upon the partnership firms scale of business. Persons who form a partnership with each other are called individually partners and if a group of people collectively form it is known as a partnership firm. The designation of partners is not to be termed legally rather it is not necessary or bounded by law to keep a separate name or designation for each partner working in the firm (Grant, 2010). They are at a whole known as partners of the firm by the corporate world. All these partners are whatever designation given still abounds by their role and responsibilities are already written under the partnership agreement signed by all the partners at the initiation level. The designation given to each partner differs from firm to firm on what basis and assumptions each partner are given their designations and role under the firm (Savas, 2000). A firm can give a partner the designation of a senior level partner on various terms and reasons such as a senior partner can be the one who has the longest experience in the business world and can give maximum benefits in order to run the partnership firm profitably (Jones Noble, 2008). The designation of senior partner on allocation can also be given to a partner who has made the highest amount of capital investment at the initiation of the firm or has the highest stake in the firm (Faulkner, 1995). A partner plays the supervisory role at any decision taken for the benefit or any solution for any problem arisi ng in the firm and interfacing with the in-house contact for expansion and diversification of business. Senior partners designation can also be given to such partner who has the supreme level of involvement in the affairs of the business compared to any other partner, his responsibility, and risk associated with the firm is also higher than any other partner, which in turn also means that the rewards which are the profit sharing ratio of that partner is higher and thus he can considering all these aspects can be denoted as Senior partner (Grant, 2010). Senior partner is generally the one who is accountable for main decision making for the partnership firm. Herein the management student is provided the responsibility of a senior partner. Agreement to share profit A partnership agreement is prepared at the initial level of the business. The basis for which profit is shared to the partners is defined by the profit sharing ratio, which means the ratio in which the profits, as well as the losses, is distributed or divided among each individual partner. There are situations where the profit sharing and loss sharing ratio is different for different partners. It can be said that the profit sharing ratio principle varies from firm to firm but the profit sharing ratio method should always be finalized when the agreement of partnership is made (Kelman, 2005). When such circumstances arrive that there has been no finalization in the partnership deed or agreement about the method of profit sharing ratio then in such circumstances the profits, as well as losses, are evenly or equally distributed among each individual partners. Profits or loss distributed among partners can be distributed as the ratio of their capital contribution made in the business if a lready agreed and put in the partnership deed (Sinha, 2016). Profit sharing ratio can be based on any other factor as mentioned in the partnership deed mutual consented by all the partners. If any clauses of interest to be paid to partners on the basis of capital contribution is mentioned in the agreement then the partners are liable to be paid interest simultaneously but in the absence of such agreement or the absence of such clause in the partnership deed no partner shall be entitled to receive any kind of interest on any amount of capital contributions made by them even if the profit sharing ratio varies or the capital contribution made by the partners is varied (Jones Noble, 2008). One more important thing to be noted is that even if the partnership agreement has permitted for payment of interest on capital contribution but it is observed that the partnership firm is not being able to generate profits and running on losses in such situation no interest should be allowed to draw n by the partners (Moncrieff, 2014). The profit sharing ratio in the agreement clause not only determines the basis on which profits and losses are to be shared among the partners but also prevents any misunderstanding or problem ever arising among the partners related to this profit sharing ratio, interest on capital contribution and any other matter which could hinder the smooth operation of the partnership firm (Matt Simon, 2014). Factor that influences the salary of partners Partnership by definition refers to a relationship which exists between persons with mutual concern and common interest to start a business venture with a motive to continue it further with a view to earning profit. The mutual rights and duties of partners are ascertained by an agreement known as partnership deed wherein the share of profit and other important clauses are mentioned and under respective act be it registered or unregistered partnership business. The property and rights along with interest that are brought into the partnership stock or an acquisition is done through purchase or any other method due to the act of partnership or any other mechanism in the operations of partnership are stated in the Act and should be considered by all partners and all acts of the partners should adhere to it. Partners are bound to render true accounts and full information of all things affecting the partnership to any partner or his legal representative (Sinha, 2016). The partners of a partnership business have a priority to earn profits by the best way possible to expand their business. The distribution of profits to the partner is done after meeting every cost of the business and paying the expenses. Moreover, it needs to be noted that some partner may receive a salary owing to their contribution that is additional to the share in the profits that are allocated (Matt Simon, 2014). We can surely consider paying a salary to each partner who put in and reflects their expertise, experience or ability to generate business for the partnership. It is always said a little extra effort deserves a little extra pay (Teisman Klijn, 2002). A portion of guaranteed payment in form of salary can be given to those partners who has that very active management and participation in day to day management of the business, trying every bit from hard to easy ways of flourishing the business, gathering ideas of how to generate maximum profits, protecting the company from incurring any extra cost or ways to bear minimum losses (Huxham, 1996). Such partners should be awarded an extra source of income in the form of salary or fixed remuneration per month other than the profits emerging out of that partnership agreement and on the basis of the investment made by each and every partner. These extra incomes will boost the morale of the partners make them mentally happy and motivate them to do put in that extra effort and devote their full time in the progress and expansion of business which is reasonable and fair (Marsh, 2009). A salary of payment that is guaranteed can be said to be a sum that is specified or projected as per the percentage of the gross income over a span of time. A salary or guaranteed payment is either a set amount per month or it is a set percentage of the partnerships gross income over the period. Any income that derives from a partnership whether it is a distribution of profit or salary is considered as an ordinary income. This is reported to every partner at his tax return. The main difference when it comes to paying salary to a partner and distributing profit is that the service of Internal Revenue does not take into consideration the partner as an employee for the matter of tax withholding, expenses of the business sand deferred plans of business (Svejenova et. al, 2016) It might happen that the payment of salary to one partner might influence the other partner due to the salary cost as it considered as a deduction from the income tax of another partner. Hence, in this manner, the partners that provide capital can lessen the bill of tax by compensating the service partner in terms of salary (Smith et. al, 2010). As per the sections and laws governing the partnership act, it is considered that a salary received by a partner from a partnership firm is taxable as business income, they accordingly get benefits under the tax laws and the partners salary shall be considered as gross receipts for the partnership business. Inclusion in a partnership agreement A partnership agreement is a mutual contract between the partners who start a business with mutual concern and with a view to earning profit from a registered or unregistered partnership business. This mutual contract has agreement papers and documents governing the terms, rules and regulation and strict norms to be followed by each and every partner during the course of the partnership business. A partnership agreement is prepared at the initial level of the business. The agreement should be made covering all aspects of the law in front of an attorney or under the guidance of an attorney so that all the important points rather rules of the partnership agreement is incorporated in it right from the formation to the dissolution of the partnership business (McLaney Atrill, 2012). This agreement is of immense valuation so that there is no conflict between any partners while running the business and if any queries, confusions or problem arises it can be sorted out with the help of the p artnership agreement ( Holloway Parmigiani, 2014). Basically, a partnership agreement defines the roles and duties of each partner, provides clarity for taxation issues, the solution to avoid legal and liability issues and to handle partner issues. The main points in a partnership agreement should be Name and address of partnership, the duration for which the partnership business shall last, what is the main business purpose for which the partnership is made for, the financial account information of each and every partner, the investment or contribution made by each partner and the ratio of profit to be shared, circumstances under which new partners might be admitted into the partnership, working hours of every partner, the degree of control of each partner should be clearly mentioned in the agreement, the extent of liability each partner holds in the business , ratio to which losses to be borne by the partners, types of business activities that is needed for the partners., disposi tion of the name of the partners if the partner leaves, resolution of the dispute (if any arises and the agreement of buy and sell (Holloway Parmigiani, 2014). Other factors The other factors to be included in the partnership agreement for salary or remuneration to be paid for that partners whose extra time devotion and reflection of their expertise and experience in flourishing and expansion of the business are the specific amount of remuneration to be paid to each working partner or the manner of quantifying such remuneration or salary, the tax benefit implications to be followed if remuneration is paid to partners, conditions under which a partner is acclaimed to entitle remuneration from the partnership business (Scott, 1995). The agreement should differentiate between a working and a non-working partner. The clause in the agreement determining the percentage of book profit to be paid as remuneration should be specified, the timings when the salary or remuneration to be withdrawn be it monthly, quarterly or yearly should be clarified in the partnership agreement, clarification of whether the remuneration partner will be allotted fixed salary the effo rts put in by each partner should be specified. The reason why it is critical to include the salary arrangements or guaranteed payments in a written partnership agreement for two reasons. First, the salaried partner will want to have the security of knowing the agreed clauses which are clear and understood by both parties. Second, the written agreement can help to support the claim that the payments to the salaried partner were not distributions of profits (Nag et. al, 2007). This is important because the amounts paid to the salaried partner are used to reduce the taxable income of the partnership, and if the payments are treated as a distribution of net profits, these deductions will be eliminated and the partners tax liability will increase. Conclusion As per the report, it is clear that partnership is a link that is present between the people that have mutual consent and have a desire to continue the business by sharing the advantage they possess. Moreover, the partnership form of business depends upon the partnership deed and hence need to abide by the clause that is present. Going by the overall report, it can be commented that partnership form of business is relevant when their different partners wants to share their positive point in conducting the business. Hence, it is best when people have a different area of interest. It provides greater vision and the ability to deal with the scenario. References Faulkner, D. 1995, International strategic alliances: co-operating to compete, London, New York, McGraw-Hill. Grant, R.M 2010, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Chichester, UK: John Wiley Sons. Holloway, S. S Parmigiani, A 2014, Friends and Profits Dont Mix: The Performance Implications of Repeated Partnerships, Academy of Management Journal vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 460 Huxham, C 1996, Creating collaborative advantage, London, Sage Jones, R. Noble, G. 2008, Managing the implementation of public-private partnerships, Public Money Management vol. 28, pp. 109-114. Kelman, S. 2005, Public Management Needs Help!, The Academy of Management Journal vol. 48, pp. 967-969. Marsh, C 2009, Mastering financial management, Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. McLaney, E. Atrill, P 2012, Accounting, Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Matt B Simon P 2014, Accounting and Finance for Managers, Kogan Page Limited Moncrieff, J 2014, Is strategy making a difference?, Long Range Planning Review vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 273276. Nag, R, Ham brick, D. C Chen, M.J, 2007, What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field, Strategic Management Journal vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 935955 Savas, E. S 2000, Privatisation and public-private partnerships, New York, Chatham House Publishers. Scott, W. R 1995, Institutions and organizations, Thousand Oaks, Calif. ; London, Sage. Sinha, DK 2016, Partnership Firms: Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages, viewed 16 May 2017 Smith, W.K, Binns, A Tushman, M.L 2010, Complex business models: Managing strategic paradoxes simultaneously, Long range planning vol. 43, no. 448-461 Svejenova, S., Planellas, M Vives, L 2010, An individual business model in the making: Achefs quest for creative freedom,Long range planning vol. 43, pp. 408-430 Teisman, G. R Klijn, E. H. 2002, Partnership arrangements: Governmental rhetoric or governance scheme?., Public Administration Review vol. 60, pp. 197-205

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Metaparadigm essay free essay sample

The character of the nurse is as important as the knowledge she possesses. Carolyn Javis. It was said by International Code of Nursing, Nursing as an integral part of the health care system, encompasses the promotion of health, prevention of illness and care of physically ill, mentally ill and disabled people of all ages, in all health care and other community settings. Since nursing care is crucial for the client and their wellbeing it is considered one of the major factors pertaining to the health care settings. A nurse must collaborate with other health care professionals to enhance health promotion and Maintence of the clients and the community. A nurse is considered a qualified health care professional who possess the art and science of nursing.Nursing care of any sort is based on a theory named Basic Metaparadigm Concepts of Nursing. Which may best be defined as a group of nursing theories and concepts that sets the phenomena in which a discipline is concerned. We will write a custom essay sample on Metaparadigm essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A metaparadigm is the most general statement of a discipline and functions as a framework in which the more retracted structures of conceptual models developed. (Miller- Keane Dictionary, 2009). However, this theory contains four significant concepts relating to nursing care and the client. Which are the client, the clients environment, the clients health and wellbeing and the nursing responsibility. Each aspect of the mentioned concepts contributes a major role to the client and their complete state of health and wellbeing. As a nurse it is essential when caring for clients to apply these concepts to work cohesively together with the nursing process to provide essential care for the client as it is the main objective of nursing care. In this essay each concept of the metaparadigm will be further considered on how they influence the nurse and nursing practice.Firstly, the client in the concepts of metaparadigm refers to an individual receiving health care from a nurse professional. The client in this specific context is an individual who seek health care assistance from a nurse professional. The client and family and the nurse through appropriate communication must build a relationship in partnership of the objective of the client health and wellbeing. They must have a proactive relationship and all work together during the interaction period. In the process of this the nurse must be mindful of the client and family subjective experiences about wellness, beliefs, values and personal preferences and always include the client and family in the decision making affecting his/her treatment and recovery.This approach greatly influences the giving of care. The approach precisely is required to enable the client to heal physically, mentally, socially and emotionally together with their family and friends who support them throughout. Additionally, the nurse also has the responsibility to achieve and maintain a trusting relationship with the client to develop a sense of safety, comfort and respect to enhance the healing process and in necessary instances the coping process which can be very difficult for most client and family members. In final thought of the client, the task of the nurse is always high in demand because the nurse has the entire responsibility of promoting health, and Maintence, prevention of illness and facilitating the client and there well being and ensuring there needs for coping and trusting they will recovery from a disease or illness and most importantly ensuring the nursing process is achieved. Secondly, the clients environment in the concepts of metaparadigm refers to the external element which affects a person internally and externally or both. The internal factor of environment is the clients individual mental and emotional conditions and the external factor of environment is the client physical, cultural, social, socio economic and political which surrounds the client. However, they both influence the client health and plays a significant role in maintaining health and promoting recovery from illnesses. It was Florence Nightingale the founder of Nursing who has a theory on environmental health which states Environmental factors such as fresh air, pure water, sufficient food supplies, efficient drainage, cleanliness of the environment and light influences a clients health status. Which means for a client to be healthy they must be in a clean enough environment.Therefore, when a nurses cares for the client she/he must keep in consideration the environment the client lives in and must be modified in such a way that will promote optimal heath and healing for the client. This is beneficial because during the presence of the nursing care the nurse can help develop methods for the client in the recovery process. However, a nurse must use her interpersonal abilities to help the client with strategies with the adaption to attain such. For example, a client who contacts the disease dengue fever which is caused by the dengue virus when bitten by an insect named mosquito. The nurse doesnt tell the client to move out from their home, however the nurse will encourage the client to clean out all drainage around there homes and cover all water supplies properly and educate the client because of those factors mosquitoes are present. In final thought of the clients environment, the clients environment affects their internal and external health. However, since everyone cannot live in a perfect environment the nurse must make it his/her responsibility to encourage any few affordable changes to the client be made and adaption to made to enhance health promotion and Maintence and recovery of the client and their family.Thirdly,

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Animal Assisted Therapy for Children with Special Needs

Animal Assisted Therapy for Children with Special Needs Free Online Research Papers Animal assisted therapy is a very useful program in treating psychological and emotional problems of children with special needs. In this method, animals like birds and domesticated pets are being used to treat cases of children which are hard to accomplish when employed with regular therapy. This is because of the children’s young minds were exposed to such matters that they can’t comprehend. This method of therapy is also being used for children with physical and metal disabilities. These children include those who have autism and other mental disabilities, as well as those who are disabled even at a young age. With animal assisted therapy, these children can interact with the animals, which somewhat improves their interaction skills as much as a normal child can. Pets and children with autism In an article written Nicholas and Collis, it states that â€Å"autism manifests itself most strikingly as impairments in communication and in the formation of social relationships (McNicholas Collis, 1995).† However, there are reports regarding the close relationships being formed by these autistic children with animals and pets. It is difficult to obtain a quantitative data regarding the response of these autistic children towards animals. The researchers however, based the results through interviews with the parents of these children. They are able to see the â€Å"normal† functioning being attributed by these children since the parents knows how their kids react. Through in depth-interviews, the researchers came up with the qualitative data showing that these autistic people. Through the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, they were able to diagnose that some of these are severely autistic and some were moderately autistic. All of these have showed aggression towards their parents and relatives before. The ones interviewed were mostly the mother of the autistic child. These mothers were asked to asses how their child responded with the introduction o these pets. It showed that there were several behaviour changes in the child, especially in the field of relationship between the child and the pets, and between the child and other people. The aspects to be considered were greeting, seeking of closeness or proximity, seeking and giving of comfort, conflicts, companionship, play, and many more. The qualitative results for the interview showed that all of the subjects that were studied showed different behaviours which they rarely or even so, never showed with their other family members and other hum companions. These pets were mostly sought after because they serve as these children’s companions, providing comfort and serves as their confidant – the things they rarely or never show to their family members. These children showed greater sensitivity for whatever the animals need, as well as their lack of anger and signs of aggression towards their pets. These children never liked being touched or hugged by other people, but when it comes to their pets, they like tactile comfort the feel with their pets. The implication of this research is about that they can fully show their capability to interact and express their feelings just like normal human beings do. However, this is only expressed with animals and pets. Autism may be able to demonstrate behaviours towards pets which they don’t usually show to people, even with their family members. Their ability to establish close relationships may be awakened with these animal assisted visits and therapy. Through these, they are able to relate and interact with the animals, and possibly with other people, starting with their parents. Pets and lonely handicapped children Animal assisted therapy can be very useful in reducing loneliness. According to an article by Duncan, â€Å"loneliness is a condition that crosses all gender, ethnic and socioeconomic barriers (Duncan, 1995).† If loneliness can affect normal people, then surely, handicapped children will be greatly affected by loneliness. There are times that having a handicap can be a restriction for many people to interact with others. In the case of handicapped children, they are hindered from interacting with other people, especially with other young children just like them. This would mostly lead to a feeling of loneliness for these children, which would greatly affect their feelings and emotions. According to Duncan, â€Å"factors that can lead to loneliness or are symptoms of loneliness disability, loss of employment, diminished financial reserves, change in family structure and family member roles, availability of health care, lack of competitive level of education are no longer only problems of the aging (Duncan, 1995).† This implies that even young ones are susceptible to these problems. This is the part which companion animals come in. They offer companion to lonely people, young and old. They keep them from being lonely by always being there, a pet by the side whenever the need be. Young children with disabilities can have a pet to cheer him up and keep him from being sad and lonely. It changes the mood of the person, as well as their outlook in life. These programs are very useful in the cases of children with deep psychological and emotional problems (Crossroads Group, 1998). These children are those who have experienced abuse from their family and other people. It could either be physical abuse or sexual abuse which has greatly affected their emotions, often leading to depression and feeling of being unwanted by the society. Through this animal assisted therapy, they will be opened to ways of understanding how they will be acceptable to the society, that there is a healing process. These animals play a role which the children can associate, like being unwanted animals being cared for by other people. Animal Assisted Therapy aims on helping these children live normal lives despite the hardships that they have suffered. The pets also play a very good role as support for the people who are survivors of sexual abuse. According to a research done by Barker, et al, â€Å"Although research documents a child’s need for social and emotional support and suggests that pets may help meet that need, little has been done to investigate the supportive role of pets for high risk children (Barker, Barker, Dawson, Knisely, 1995).† The research showed that these pets are much more considered supportive by the people who were sexually abused as compared to other people. The most credible facts in this therapy are that various animals play a great role in the healing process of these children. Even though they are animals, they can lessen the pain that these children are suffering and helping them recover. The less credible fact tackled was about how animals could sympathize with these children. There is no basis to say that these animals can feel what the children can feel (Blackman, 2003). I would be very inclined to use this pet therapy to children with special needs because it is there emotion that we’re dealing with. We can’t use the approaches being used on adults because it is of different context. The children’s concept about the world and the society is just forming, and if you would employ the methods used for adults, their reaction as well as the outcome of the therapy would actually be different. References: Barker, S. B., Barker, R. T., Dawson, K. S., Knisely, J. S. (1995). The Supportive Role of Pets in the Childhood of Sexual Abuse Survivors. Retrieved September 20, 2007, from Blackman, D. (2003). Visiting Pets and Animal Assisted Therapy. Retrieved September 20, 2007, from Crossroads Group. (1998). What is Animal Assisted Therapy? Retrieved September 20, 2007, from Duncan, S. L. (1995). Loneliness: A Health Hazard of Modern Times. Interactions, Volume 13(Issue 1). McNicholas, J., Collis, G. M. (1995). Relationships Between Young People with Autism and Their Pets. Retrieved September 20, 2007, from Research Papers on Animal Assisted Therapy for Children with Special NeedsEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyGenetic EngineeringInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Spring and AutumnThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseHip-Hop is ArtArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Comparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThree Concepts of Psychodynamic

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Svedka Vodka Strategy Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Svedka Vodka Strategy - Article Example However there was a gap in between the high end and the low end, i.e. there was no mid sized segment in the market as of now. In this scenario there was a chance of launching a new product into the vacuum mid sized segment with suitable marketing strategies and outlook. â€Å"Svedka† the to be launched mid segment vodka had many obstacles to encounter for entering into the already established vodka market. Since it was new, new techniques both in the production and marketing levels have to be adopted. The product should be of high drinking quality and should be distinguished for its soft silky drinkability. 1. Branded vodka has its mark in US market. International brands like Smirnoff, Absolut etc have created brand awareness in the market. The prices offered by both these leading brands were in between $20 and $25. Svedka was planned to introduce in the mid sized segment because there were no real competitors in the offing. Moreover cost reduction techniques like outsourcing of production which was a major strength of Svedka enabled the product to be sold on a lower price. The under $10 market of vodka was nearly 80% of the total market share of the spirit therefore the chances of success of Svedka is bright provided it be introduced in a planned way. A competitive pricing strategy should be adopted for this purpose, may be market oriented pricing or penetrating pricing(Kotler,Keller,Brady,Goodman&Hansen). The real competitor for Svedka would be from Smirnoff which was selling vodka a price of $10 per bottle, Smirnoff enjoyed a huge 19.7% share in the market. However by the entrance of Absolut, Smirnoff was under pressure. Therefore if Svedka was introduced properly in the mid tier segment, it could really tap the potential and give a real time competition to Smirnoff. The other brands which are under $10 per bottle are Gordon and Popov, which have only a very little market share. Another important aspect in this scenario is that Svedka due to its cost effective strategy is able to offer of 25% to wholesaler and 30% to 35% to retailers. This is considerably high according to normal industrial standards hence it could provide a boost to wholesalers and retailers to sell Svedka. 2. Marketing strategy is a process by which an organization concentrates on its limited resources and cashes on its greatest opportunities in order to increase sales and achieve a sustainable and competitive advantage. The marketing strategy should be centered on customer satisfaction (Kotler,Keller,Brady,Goodman&Hansen). Customers are more aware of prices of the products they buy along with the quality. Of course, Svedka has quality because it is manufactured raw. Therefore the price segment should be given much importance. The market share of low priced vodka is around 80% therefore Svedka if priced less, I.e, below $10 could command greater respect from its customers. Another important aspect that has to be considered is the reach of the product to the cu stomers. For this purpose a brand image has to be created just like Smirnoff used to do. Svedka should appeal to new vodka drinkers along with up graders. It should be a choice for both price driven groups. Target customers who are not brand loyal but young should be tapped and developed. Advertising should be cost effective and appealing like eye shelf

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Employment Relations - Essay Example In that context, New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Act 1972, and the subsequent 1973 amendment to this Act framed the scope and ramifications of the country’s accident compensation policy. The 1972 Accident Compensation Act covered both the motor vehicle injuries and also non-work and work injuries. The 1972 Accident Compensation Scheme tended to affiliate to a salubrious array of rationales like pursuing a no-fault approach towards accident compensation and eliminating the time consuming and wasteful dependence on legal ways in the area of accident compensation, to extend multiple benefits to accident victims that included medical expenses, rehabilitation associated costs, payments related to permanent loss, earnings associated compensations, etc (Palmer, 1994). Background Prior to the envisaging of the 1972 Accident Compensation Scheme, New Zealand had a compensation system that was akin to what existed in the rest of the world. However, the nation soon realized tha t the tort based compensation policies were replete with varied undesirable consequences and results. Eventually, it was the Royal Commission on Worker’s compensation that proposed sweeping changes in the accident compensation policies in 1966 (Foley, 2008). The recommendations made by the Woodhouse commission recognized varied general principles related to compensation like enhancing the administrative efficiency in the area of accident compensation, bringing in community onus and responsibility in the arena of accident compensation, making the concept of accident compensation to be broad based to include varied costs like rehabilitation, pay losses and lump sum payments and ameliorating the disadvantages and efficiencies associated with tort based accident compensation (Foley, 2008). The essential crux of these recommendations was to associate accident compensation from Tort claims and to make way for the compensation of injuries irrespective of the related fault, including the fault of the person who gets injured. Rational Behind 1972 Accident Compensation Scheme It goes without saying that the 1972 Accident Compensation Scheme was a trend setter in the sense that it was perhaps one of the first few compensation policies in the world to take into cognizance a series of rationales associated with accident compensation and tried to do away with the flaws incumbent on the previously existing policies and systems (Malcolm & Barnett, 2007). The 1972 Accident Compensation Scheme took into consideration the human, social and financial ramifications of the compensation related claims and made way for covering the injuries irrespective of who so ever happened to be at fault (Malcolm & Barnett, 2007). This policy to a large extent did away with the need for engaging in costly, time consuming and unsatisfactory processes aimed at seeking compensation through courts. This scheme also tried to mitigate the emotional and physical trauma associated with injuries by allowing for the prompt and timely rehabilitation and treatment of accident related injuries (Dewees, Duff & Trebilcock, 1996). The 1972 Accident Compensation Scheme also diluted the financial losses and pain inflicted on the impacted individuals by allowing for

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Expanding the Oral Care Group in India Case Study - 1

Expanding the Oral Care Group in India - Case Study Example 50% of the population is not concerned for oral hygiene. Those parts of the potential customers need awareness first of all about the oral health. Secondly, they are not in a reach of oral health care products as the disposable incomes of people living in rural areas have $2 per day, in comparison of urban population who are wealthy and they have great purchasing power. There is a shortage of dental care personnel in rural areas specially, single personnel handles thousands of dental patients. In addition, people with only high income consult dental professionals as they cost very high (Bruce, Moore, & Birtwistle, 2004). That defines the problem of affordability to the consumers. And the third is Accessibility, in which the director of the company, Brinda Patel want her manager to make a new market plan and she want to increase the unit sales nearly up to 30% of toothbrushes in India by spending 3% more in advertising budget, as her previous project in Thailand went successful. Whereas, manager Michael Lang is concerned if the strategy of increasing advertising budget more than Thailand’s budget will affect the sales positively as there are many cultural barriers in each region of India. The projections could go wrong, whether they can access the products and accept the change in oral health as they are using Neem twigs and tobacco and ashes since ages. Brinda believes that rural area need more hygiene protection messages and has a strategy to market its premium products and convince customers to switch to high range of oral care products, that might help the company to reach up to 30% per unit sales(Rudolf R. Sinkovics, 2009). On the other hand, Michael suggested not increasing the advertising budget and applying strategies in urban market to focus and persuade first time users of tooth brush and later spend on when they become habitual. Applying marketing strategies suggested by Brinda over rural areas

Friday, November 15, 2019

Tantrums and anxiety in early childhood

Tantrums and anxiety in early childhood Introduction One of the many tasks of the early childhood educator is to keep abreast of current research developments in the field. Research on brain development, learning strategies, guidance techniques, and working with parents, and so forth has dramatically altered and hopefully improved practice over the years. Task Select three papers from any of the issues of Early Childhood Research Practice listed in the right-hand margin. Only papers are acceptable. Features or Observations and Reflections are not allowed since they are not research based. Early Childhood Research Practice Once you have selected three papers of interest to you, and they need not cover the same topic, read them and then complete a brief review of each article. For each review, please use the outline format below: Title and author of article Brief summary of the article (please do not retype the abstract or the summary; summarize the article in your own words) Purpose of the article Population studied Conclusions presented in the article How you would apply this research in an early education setting. Submission The article review is due in Assignments, Tests and Surveys on Tuesday, February 23rd by 11:30pm. This assignment is worth 50 points. A 15-point late deduction will be taken for work submitted beyond the due date. The last day to submit late work is May 18th at 11:30pm. The grading rubric that will be used to evaluate this assignment is located in Resources on the left-hand navigation tree. Please note: Only articles from the Early Childhood Research Practice Journal may be used. If articles from other sources are used, they will not be counted. All work must be original. Work plagiarized from any other sourcethat is taken and presented as the students own when it was in fact written by someone elsewill result in a zero. This includes copying and pasting content from any of the articles chose, or any other articles. In addition, the plagiarized work will be submitted to the Vice President of Student Services for his evaluation of academic dishonesty. Please be forewarned Title and author of article Tantrums and Anxiety in Early Childhood: A Pilot Study Written by Gina Mireault and Jessica Trahan Brief summary According to the authors of Tantrums and Anxiety in Early Childhood: A Pilot Study, the anxiety of children could have a significant relationship with the tantrums, as well as be factor that cause them. Studying tantrums and its factors is important because of concerns about having long lasting effect in childrens behavior and assure the best forms to counteract those. The studys information, gathered by the childrens parents, using measures as Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Tantrum Questionnaire, showed that there isnt any relationship that anxiety could be a factor responsible for tantrums neither that have any connection. However, the authors, concludes that results can change since that population participated in this research was a small proportion and it cant be generalized, as well as because others question arise about if with different mechanism tantrums and anxiety could be associated. Purpose of the article The purpose of the article was to study the tantrums, as their factors and their aspects; a well as to resolve the assumption that anxiety could be also a factor that cause those frequent and common tantrums on children. Moreover, the study also would target if the counteract actions to stop those could also have a relation with anxiety. Population studied In this study a small group participated; integrated by 33 children, 15 males and 18 females, between the ages of 3 and 5, and their respective parents. Conclusions presented in the article The research conclude that after gathering all the information with the help of the childrens parents, the study showed that the tantrums frequency on the majority of the children studied was that tantrums occurred often and those were noticeable and distracting. However, anxiety was not found to be a factor that could cause tantrums neither to have any relation with the tantrums aspects. Since , this research was not generalized and it pop out another important questions, that authors suggest that consider that anxiety could be link to tantrums and to care about the way to handle childrens tantrums. How you would apply this research in an early education setting. This research was very interesting since it showed me some tantrums factors and the usual parenting forms to handle those. After to know that is true that there are not many researches on tantrums and if anxiety could be an important factor to cause them; I would truly be aware and consciously observed children tantrums in my work setting as an early childhood teacher. Since, anxiety could truly be a linked to tantrums, observation needs to be primary before I could act to a childs tantrums, so I can make a good choice to manage those without affecting the child in any way. Title and author of article Whos the Boss? Young Childrens Power and Influence in an Early Childhood Classroom. Written by Yoon-Joo Lee and Susan L. Recchia Brief summary of the article (please do not retype the abstract or the summary; summarize the article in your own words) In the research Whos the Boss? Young Childrens Power and Influence in an Early Childhood Classroom, authors Yoon-Joo Lee and Susan L. Recchia present their study about the impact and the ways that childrens power influence the classroom socialization. Different examples where addressed about how the role of power of three preschool children made a powerful influence towards their other classmates and sometimes towards their teachers. The children power made teachers felt challenged by these children and at times they might not even realize they were being influenced. The results showed that this powerful influence had an impact, both positive and negative. The authors suggest that teacher need to analyze every situation where powerful influence by children could happen, to achieve a balance of power where all the childrens voices can be heard, and encouraged equal opportunity. Purpose of the article The purpose was to study the childrens influential power that is seen over other children and over their own teachers, as well as the effect that it has within socialization in a preschool class. Population studied Three preschool children were studied, with the helped of two head teachers that were able to answers interviews about this children and themselves. Conclusions presented in the article The authors conclude that Childrens influential power towards other children could be positive, because it makes children be engaged in some other enriched activities but also this influential power can be negative because sometimes unfairness takes place in some classroom activities by these influential children. Moreover, the authors addressed that teacher uncomfortable way towards this childrens behavior could be based on the way of the teachers ideas of a democratic classroom, and the teachers way to solve some situations, not always is the best way, since in some of this situations teacher may allow some children to have more power than the others, even though this is not their intention. How you would apply this research in an early education setting. The article showed me many interesting examples of how some children could have influential power over other and even over teacher without these notice it. I havent had the opportunity to witness this role of power by preschool children, but I had observed some children of my neighborhood and its really true how this power impact other children in negative ways and positive as well. I would apply this research as based to how to handle some powerful situation by children where Ill doing my practicum, so avoid the mistake of giving more power to some children than other. Nevertheless, I will need to be alert in every situation, carefully observing, to assure a democratic classroom environment. Title and author of article Exposure to Media Violence and Other Correlates of Aggressive Behavior in Preschool Children Written by Laura A. Daly and Linda M. Perez Brief summary of the article According to the authors of Exposure to Media Violence and Other Correlates of Aggressive Behavior in Preschool Children, the aggressive behavior was led by the possible main influence by TV violence programs that preschool children watched. Reaching methods found that watching violent TV programs isnt a principal source that produce a change on childrens behavior, however, it can influenced the childs behavior with the accompany of other factors. Gender, fathers presence, mothers age, and a poor self- regulation were address to be other influential factors that contribute to an aggressive behavior. Nevertheless, the authors conclude that since the children are in the process of self-regulation that amount of violent TV programs seen by preschool children have to be reduced. Purpose of the article The purpose of the research was to find out if violence shows in television programming could be related with violent aggression seen in preschool children during their play time, as well as to examine other factors and variables as the childs gender and age, that influence a change in the childrens behavior. Population studied The population that participated in the study was integrated by 30 preschool teachers and 70 children, 32 females and 38 males; they were from seven different preschools, as well as the childrens parents. Conclusions presented in the article The violence in television that children watch was not the main factor that made the children act aggressively during their play times; however it is an important influential via that together with the low self-regulation that preschool children have, together with gender, can conduct to have an aggressive behavior. Moreover, researchers found that as the mother age, childrens age and the fact that children were living with both of their parents were the principal factors that led to have a higher self- regulation and for instant a better pro-social behavior. How you would apply this research in an early education setting. Reading through this research, it was possible to be aware about the factors that make children behave aggressively during their time to play. This research was very helpful as well in the fact that led teachers knows that we truly need to be a good support for children in the way as helpers for their development of their self- regulation. Teachers know now that children do not act aggressively just because they are been disrespectful; instead this behavior is influenced by many factors including their undeveloped prefrontal cortex. Teachers definitely cant avoid children to watch TVs programs that content violence, however teachers can be a good support to help them and guide them on controlling their behavior. Bibliography Mireault, G., Trahan, J. (2007, Fall). Tantrums and Anxiety in Early Childhood: A Pilot Study. Lee, Y.-J., Recchia, S. L. (2008, Spring). Whos the Boss? Young Childrens Power and Influence in an Early Childhood Classroom. Daly, L. A., Perez, L. M. (2009, Fall). Exposure to Media Violence and Other Correlates of Aggressive Behavior in Preschool Children.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marketing Madness :: essays research papers

Hi, y’all. I want you to know that this could get long, but please read it. And I hope it doesn’t sound like I am irritated, I just want you to see how I saw things. Plus, I get my thoughts out better written down than verbally. First of all, now that I have found my composure, I want to say thank you for saying something last night. I wish you had said something earlier. I really didn’t realize you didn’t feel I was contributing at all. I know Julia was doing more than she should, but I thought I was trying to do what I could. Please accept my apologies and know that my contribution or lack thereof wasn’t conscious or planned – things have just happened. You are right, I should have asked about the research proposal and offered to write up your notes, but I really thought y’all were writing the whole thing that Saturday. And I was planning on meeting with you until you postponed and didn’t want to do it Sunday, when I could do it. Then I got caught up in my midterm exam, paper and presentation so didn’t really think to find out about the proposal because I knew you had it under control. As for the focus group, I had asked for the notes as early as possible, but didn’t get them until late afternoon on Friday when I had said I wouldn’t be able to write anything on Saturday. So, Sunday was it. You gave me a bunch of notes so I tried to include everything I could, including my ideas, to be edited down later. I could have edited it down myself. I said it was a rough draft – I asked in my email for you to tell me what changes to make and to email me back about it but Julia went ahead and did it. I didn’t realize you wanted a finished project – I figured you would want some say so in it. Which, it was obvious you did since ideas I had added were removed. And, I did ask people to come to the focus group – they just didn’t come because they didn’t have that Saturday afternoon free. And they were probably people who go out a lot. Plus, I attended the focus group and took notes. All three of us couldn’t have been o n camera anyway.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Louis Vuitton Case Study

[pic] LOUIS VUITTON INTRODUCTION: Louis Vuitton is a French fashion house founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The label's LV monogram appears on most of its products, ranging from luxury  trunks and leather goods to ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, sunglasses, and books. Louis Vuitton is one of the world's leading international fashion houses; it sells its products through standalone  boutiques, lease departments in high-end  department stores.MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the LVMH group is to represent the most refined qualities of Western ‘Art de Vivre' around the world. VISION: Be creative and innovative, aim for product excellence, bolster  the  image  of  our  brands  with  passionate determination, act as entrepreneurs, and strive to be the best in all we do. GOAL: To produce much exclusive fashionable goods with good prestigious image that fits into the high class society, products should compulsorily have excellent quality and l ong life.HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Founded by Vuitton in 1854 and first store in Paris is opened, 1885 – first LV store is opened in London, Oxford street ,1892- Vuitton dies; the company starts selling handbags. TURNING POINT: During 1893 Georges (Louis’s son) begins his campaign to make the company into a worldwide corporation, Georges Vuitton passes away at 1936. Estimates attribute Georges Vuitton with over new 700 new Vuitton designs. BUSINESS STRATEGY: LV uses demographic targeting strategy to target their customers, both men and women.Since LV focuses only on high class people it uses premium pricing and luxury images for attracting them. It also uses â€Å"NEVER ON SALE† strategy to target their customers and its ad can be found only in high end fashion magazines like Vogue & Elle. It also uses Auction houses specializing in art and antiques to sell its goods. The original product line is Monogram and it expanded its product line to monogram denim, monogram multicore, monogram vernis and damier canvas. The Louis Vuitton brand and the famous LV monogram are among the world's most valuable brandsTARGET GROUP: Age: ranging from young adults to seniors (22 – 65 yrs old), focuses mainly on the high class society. AREAS OF BUSINESS: Louis Vuitton mainly targets wines and spirits, fashion and leather goods, fragrances and cosmetics, watches and jewelry. The other brands under Louis vuitton are Bulgari, Celine Guerlain Fendi Donna karan TAG Heuer Guerlain Bon Marche Sephora. Financial information: Sales at Lv rose 19 percent in 2010 and, for the first time, exceeded 20 billion euros Profits soared 73 percent, to 3 billion euros.Revenue from fashion and leather goods, like Louis Vuitton purses, was up 20 percent. Revenue as of 2011 is â‚ ¬2. 5  billion. It was up by 16% from 20. 3 billion euros in the same period in 2010. Organic revenue growth was 14% The Wines & Spirits business group recorded organic revenue growth of 10% in 201 1. Fashion & Leather Goods business recorded organic revenue growth of 16% in 2011, while Perfumes & Cosmetics recorded organic revenue growth of 9% in the same period. Watches & Jewelry group reported organic revenue growth of 23%.RECENT NEWS: For seven consecutive years (2006–2012) Louis Vuitton has been named the world's most valuable luxury brand. Its 2012 valuation is 25. 9 billion USD. According to a Millward Brown 2010 study, Louis Vuitton is the world's 29th most valuable brand, right after  Gillette  and before  Wells Fargo. The brand itself is estimated to be worth over USD $19  billion References: http://80. 251. 40. 59/politics. ankara. edu. tr/ozer/Dersler/Introduction_to_marketing/Case%20Studies/Louis_Vuitton_Moet_Hennessy. pdf http://louisvuitton4u. jigsy. com/entries/general/louis-vuitton-product-line http://www. lvmh. com/

Friday, November 8, 2019

How Helium Works essays

How Helium Works essays There is something incredibly special about helium balloons! If you buy one at the circus or fair, you can hold its string and it will ride along above you. If you let go of the string it will fly away until you cannot see it anymore. If you have ever wondered why it flies away, the passages below can help you to figure out the mystery. Helium balloons work using exactly the same law of buoyancy. In this case, the helium balloon that you hold by a string is floating in a "pool" of air. The helium balloon displaces an amount of air (just like a empty bottle displaces an amount of water). As long as the helium plus the balloon is lighter than the air it displaces, the balloon will float in the air. It turns out that helium is a lot lighter than air. The difference is not as great as it is between water and air (a liter of water weighs about 1,000grams, while a liter of air weighs about a gram), but it is significant. Helium weighs 0.1785 grams per liter. Nitrogen weighs 1.2506 grams per liter, and since nitrogen makes up about 80% of the air we breath, 1.25 grams is a good approximation for the weight of liter of air. Therefore, if you were to fill a one-liter soda bottle full of helium, the bottle would weigh about 1 gram less than the same bottle filled with air. That doesn't sound like much - since the bottle weighs more than a gram the bottle will not float. However, in large volumes, the 1-gram per liter difference between air and helium can really add up. This explains why balloons are generally quite large - they have to displace a lot of air to float. So why is helium so much lighter than air? It's because helium atoms are lighter than a nitrogen atom. It has fewer electrons, protons and neutrons than nitrogen atoms do, and that makes it much more lighter. Approximately the same number of atoms of each of the elements fills approximately the same amount o ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Moral Sense essays

The Moral Sense essays The Moral Sense, written by James Q. Wilson, disagrees with previous philosophers such as Marx and Hobbes as it illustrates that all humans are capable of potential good. On the other hand, Marx and Hobbes pointed out that any acts of kindness come from the self interest of the individual. Wilson believes that humans have a connection between their morals and their human nature. This connection opposes that of previous philosophers for they separated the theories of human nature and morals. This conclusion by Wilson expresses his belief that all individuals have the skills and talents to be an all-round good person. Wilson introduces the four moral sentiments of sympathy, fairness, self-control, and duty. However, sympathy is the strongest sentiment for it is the basis for the other three sentiments to be formed. Following Adam Smith, Wilson favers that sympathy serves both as an important standard for moral judgments and as a motive for moral action: feeling anothers pain, we find ourselves compelled to alleviate his suffering or take revenge on his persecutor. Wilson identifies sympathy as the human capacity for being affected by the feelings and experiences of others (Wilson 30). Sympathy can be seen as a device to moderate human brutality and offensiveness. Situations like an old lady being robbed, excites sympathy and not just the thought of sympathy causes reaction. Humans have to feel an obligation to the situation in order to feel any sympathy for the situation. Without sympathy all the other sentiments would be extremely complicated and near close to impossible. For example, i s someone was ignorant to the feelings and concerns of others, he would not strive for fairness, nor would he feel obligated to have self-control. Influencing Wilson, Adam Smith feels sympathy is the source of the human moral sense. Smith elaborates by stating that the compassion of the spectator must arise alto...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What is the current macroeconomic situation in the United States What Essay

What is the current macroeconomic situation in the United States What fiscal policies and monetary policies would be appropriate at this time - Essay Example This also applies for the U.S. economy, especially in regards to its current macroeconomic situation. In view of the unemployment trends in the U.S., the trends have shown a sharp decline since 2008. The employment rates have steadily risen, with present data from the Labor Department showing that over 140,000 jobs have been created in the economy. This has led to the rate of unemployment dropping to slightly over 7.5%. Furthermore, the Bureau of Labor Statistics places the current inflation rates of the U.S. at below 2.5%. This has been occasioned by the constantly improving economy, with the most significant categories for maintaining the inflation rates low being consumer price index based factors such as shelter and consumer products (Vietor & Weinzieri, 2012). The reduced inflation rates coupled with the low unemployment levels in the U.S. have resulted in an overall increase in the GDP of the country. Furthermore, this is aided further by the diversity of the American economy as shown by the technology, finance and the other sectors that collectively result in the average incr ease in the rate of GDP increasing gradually. Moreover, such industries such as mining, industrial, farming and construction industry are the chief drivers that are involved in the creation of jobs, hence elimination of poverty and reduction in inflation consequently leading to economic growth occasioned by the GDP levels. However, in order to constantly maintain a worthy economic environment and hold all factors at economically feasible levels, varieties of factors are considered by the Federal Reserve authority responsible with formulating fiscal and monetary policies for the economy. As such, the Federal Open Market Committee can consider structuring their policies to ensure further economic prosperity. In consideration of the present macroeconomic situation in the U.S., the committee could consider reducing cuts on public goods, as this could eventually

Friday, November 1, 2019

OB week 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OB week 7 - Essay Example Behavioral theories of leadership focus on the behavior of individuals, particularly if they could be trained to become leaders if they do not possess any specific leadership traits. Various independent factors come into play when determining leadership behavior, most notably a pro-target or considerate approach, both existing on extreme polar ends. Pro-target leaders are goal-oriented and emphasize on production and output where as considerate leaders may adopt a more democratic style of leadership. Innovation is a distinguishing attribute of a transformational leader who strives to create an environment that encourages individual growth and productivity thereby motivating individuals through availability of greater opportunities (Bass, 1991). Leaders who display consideration and the possession of specific traits have been identified as being effective (Robbins and Judge, 2013). Newer contingency or situational approaches towards leadership focus on the setting or the context of th e leadership scenario which becomes significantly important when considering long-term success. Contingency theories may help better identify present and future leaders through indicators like decision-making, goal-orientation, follower readiness, leader-member relationship, and so on. 2. According to the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory, an exclusively low number of individuals forming an in-group receive disproportionately favored as compared to an out-group (Robbins and Judge, 2013). In order to become an in-group member and be treated differently, members must prove that they are reliable, skilled, and most importantly, trustworthy. Leaders tend to trust in-group members more with challenging assignments and projects that require additional skills. Most likely, the in-group members also have a greater chance of promotion due to their relationship with the leader. Maintenance of a good relationship depends largely upon trust and respect which is mutual. The

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

American Disability Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Disability Act - Essay Example ADA has received many criticisms that are mainly classified into two categories. The first category concerns employment of people with disabilities. Under this category of criticisms, critics have pointed out that ADA reduces the employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, critics have pointed to the concern that ADA increases the cost of conducting business for business owners. The criticism based on reduction of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities has been supported by the fact that just after its enactment, the period covering between 1991 and 1995, the employment of people with disabilities reduced by 7.8% and this reduction affected people of disabilities regardless of their age, their levels of education, or even type of disability afflicting an individual. The most affected with that drop in the employment rate due to the enactment of ADA were young people, those with lower levels of education and men that were mentally disabled. Nevertheless, there has not been any concerted focus on investigating the causal link between the Act and the decline in employment for disabled people for that decade since its enactment. The second category of criticisms relates increase in private plaintiffs. The argument is that since the Act was enacted, it became an integral part of the employment law yet the Act only permits private plaintiffs to get injunctive relief. Injunctive relief is the court order making it mandatory for public accommodation to remedy contraventions of the accessibility laws. Besides injunctive relief, ADA only demands that private plaintiffs receive attorneys fees. However, it fails to provide monetary compensations to private claimants who take legal action against non-compliant businesses. Thus, for persons with disabilities to receive the remedies left out by ADA, it is upon the specific state to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bonchon Analysis Essay Example for Free

Bonchon Analysis Essay Banchan (pronounced bonchon) refers to the assorted sides served alongside a main course in Korean cuisine. About a half dozen banchan are served at any meal; the best known are kimchi — pickled dishes, made of either fermented cabbage (baechu), daikon radish (mu), or other vegetables like scallions (pa) — although they might also include japchae (glass noodles), marinated tofu, or even American potato salad. Typically served in small portions that are meant to be finished (and replenished if necessary) at every meal, banchan are shared amongst everyone at the table. My favorite banchan is ggakdugi, or kak tu gi, the spicy diced radish kimchi. BonChon is a Korean word meaning â€Å"original village†. Just as people yearn for their hometown, we hope that our customers will seek our amazingly crispy, juicy, and flavorful chicken wherever they are. As we grow and expand, we will make sure that he who seeks BonChon shall always find it. BonChon’s mission is to bring the most gratifying eating experience to people around the globe, and to be a company which cares for and grows with our franchisees and customers. Through a culture of hard work and loyalty, we aspire to be a reliable and constant source of quality food and service, dedicating ourselves to encouraging joy and positive energy in all those who encounter us.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Building the New European Order Essay examples -- European History Ess

Building the New European Order When World War II ended the final remnants of the old European order lay in ruins. With such devastation wrought upon the continent twice in less than fifty years, it was remarkable that Europe managed to recover. What is even more remarkable is the Phoenix that rose from these ashes, and the new feelings of unity that accompanied the ending of the war. Those nations of western Europe began to do what decades ago had been unthinkable: develop the blueprints for a common system of the United Europe. Today this European Union is a region on the rise, an area where economic and social progress are finally overcoming centuries of strife and difficulty. The dream of countless conquerors and idealists has finally been achieved with exemplary result, and new nations are now lining up at the doorstep of Europe to join this Union. It seems only natural now to improve the Union the best way possible, through the physical enlargement of its territory. The progress represented by the EU is progress that deserves to be shared with the people of all European nations, yet on what scale? While today’s EU leaders are more than ready to invite fellow nations to join the EU, they fail to take proper account of the future, of how this could possibly cheapen the European identity and the work that was only spurred on by two destructive World Wars. When we think of European identity, we think first of the most famous of the continent’s nations. Germany, England, Spain, France, Italy all come to mind as primary European nations. As well, they share a common history, bonds of strife and conflict through which they have all suffered together and are now emerging stronger. Yet as the Union pushes ea... it from overheating. This is a job many have proved incapable of doing. Working together, maybe Europe can find a perfect balance. Maybe it won’t. Time will only show the result of this effort. Perhaps such expansion it will produce a larger and more powerful Europe faster than any of us could have imagined, and those who doubted such a fast growth will be proved wrong. Or perhaps, it will produce a weaker Europe, a Europe plagued with trying to support less productive provinces, while the continent struggles to be more and more competitive. Or it might even result in the stunting of EU growth as small nations enter and soon withdraw, feeling as they may that the massive Union bureaucracy cannot keep up with their demands as a growing nation. Only one thing is for certain- the next century of European history is bound to be a very interesting one.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Commentary on the Geranium by Theodore Roethke Essay

The poem â€Å"The Geranium† by Theodore Roethke tells the story of a bachelor, formerly a party animal, now a lonely, aging man, through a sustained metaphor which uses the speaker’s geranium as a symbol for the disregard of his own health. The plant is never well, nor is he, due to the speaker being as inconsiderate to the geranium as he is to himself. With imagery, alliteration, and symbolism, much is learned about the speaker through a simple geranium to which he is intrinsically intertwined. We can see right from the beginning with lines such as â€Å"limp and bedraggled . . . / . . . like a sick poodle / Or a wizened aster in late September,† (2-4) that our speaker does not think very highly of himself nor his geranium. The descriptors give a pathetic, aging feel; the comparison to a â€Å"wizened aster† is particularly potent. It suggest that like the flower, the speaker is no longer â€Å"in bloom†, so-to-speak. That his colour has faded, and he is past his prime. The themes of aging and entering a new life stage come up again in line 6: â€Å"For a new routine –†. The caesura brings the reader to a halt; its sudden and final nature is reminiscent of an ending. The words in the line itself indicate a new beginning, which creates an interesting effect. This line could be representative of the end of the speaker’s youth and bachelorhood, as well as the beginning of a new point in his life. The act of taking the geranium out to the trash could also be symbolic of changing life stages; placing it by the trash could be representative of the end of one cycle, and bringing it back could represent starting anew. In following with the idea of starting anew, our speaker shows plans of lifestyle change; he plans to change for the better and agrees that â€Å"Sustenance seemed sensible† (8) The alliteration here evokes a childlike, somewhat self-deprecating feel, as though the speaker is chiding himself for not remembering something that seemed so simple. The fact that the speaker managed to forget this in the first place could also indicate that he has let his health go in the past, which is further evidenced near the end of the stanza, where the speaker talks about living â€Å". . . on gin, bobbie pins, half-smoked cigars, dead beer† (10) as well as the consequences of such irresponsible actions; he talks of being â€Å"shriveled† and â€Å"dried out†. It’s clear both the speaker and his plant have suffered from such a way of living. It also seems to reveal the careless and somewhat incompetent nature of the speaker. After all, if you can’t even take care of a plant, how can you take care of yourself? In the next stanza we get another glance into our speaker’s former life. He talks of â€Å" . . .dumb dames shrieking half the night† (16) as well as more mention of alcohol. The pieces of the speaker’s past we have received thus far can be put together to form the image of a reckless bachelor who gives no thought of tomorrow. With the current events of the poem, we can see how this lifestyle doesn’t do much for our speaker now that tomorrow is here. In this stanza we also get to hear the narrator describe himself directly for the first time, but he still ties himself to the plant, showcasing how heavily interconnected he and the geranium are. The speaker says that they are both â€Å"seedy†, which is a rather interesting play on words due to the fact that it means sordid or shabby, or could be used in the context of plant seeds. The term acknowledges both the similarities and differences between the speaker and the geranium. In the third stanza and final two lines, the speaker’s maid tosses the geranium in the trash which angers him so much he fires her. The actions of the maid would obviously hurt our speaker, seeing as the miserable, wilted geranium was his only friend. There is also the possibility that it was the cause of the actions of the maid that really wounded the narrator; that is was the fact that the maid saw something so analogous to himself as useless trash that drove him into enough of a rage to sack his maid. Thus the poem ends with the speaker no better off than he was in the beginning; perhaps even worse, now that the maid has brought to light how worthless the speaker’s life really is. Even though plants and people are seen as self-sufficient organisms, â€Å"The Geranium† highlights that in order to truly blossom, care, compassion and companionship from another are required. Theodore Roethke’s use of dreary, aged language and bland settings create a desolate atmosphere which provides the framework for the tale of a man who seems to have disregarded this until it was too late.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ways Of Preventing Maternal Death Health And Social Care Essay

A maternal decease is â€Å" the decease of adult females while pregnant or within 42 yearss of expiration of gestation, irrespective of the continuance or site of the gestation, from any cause related to or aggravated by gestation or its direction, but non from inadvertent causes † . [ 1 ] Many people die from pregnancy-related causes and over 90 % of them occur in developing or under-developed states. Reducing maternal mortality by 75 % by 2015 has been one of the United Nations Millennium ends. [ 2 ] The causes of maternal decease vary from infection to gestational high blood pressure to complications of insecure or unhygienic abortions and many more. Many developing states lack equal wellness attention and household planning. Basic exigency obstetric intercessions, indispensable household planning methods, adequate wellness attention are far from the range of a pregnant adult female in a underdeveloped state. Forty-five per centum of postnatal deceases go on within the fir st twenty-four hours itself and little more than 60 % occur during the first hebdomad. Of the estimated 211 million gestations, 46 million consequences in induced abortions, more than 50 % of these abortions are insecure and do 68,000 deceases yearly. [ 3 ] The International Safe Motherhood Conference was held in Kenya in 1987. It brought to the attending of the universe communities of the annihilating effects of lifting maternal mortality rates in developing states and officially established the Safe Motherhood Initiative. The primary purpose was to diminish maternal mortality by 50 % by 2000, besides conveying to the attending of the planetary community the quandary of pregnant adult females. In the beginning patrons, United Nations ( UN ) bureaus and authoritiess of states focused on the improvement of prenatal attention, preparation of birth attenders, since these schemes failed, the universe reaffirmed its committedness in 2000 and stipulated a decrease in maternal mortality of 75 % by 2015. [ 2 ] Target 5.A: Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio 5.1 Maternal mortality ratio 5.2 Proportion of births attended by skilled wellness forces The lending factors to maternal mortality in most developing states circulate around 3 holds. [ 4 ] The first hold would be that of the female parent, the household or the community who fail to acknowledge an at hand job or life -threatening status. [ 4 ] Many deceases occur within first 24 hour of postpartum. In most rural communities births occur at place with unskilled attenders who do non hold the accomplishment to find and forestall serious results and medical cognition to name and move on their complications. The 2nd hold would is the that in accessing a wellness attention installation. [ 4 ] It can be either due to hapless route conditions, deficiency of equal transit or even due to locations of these installations. The 3rd hold is the health- attention installation itself. [ 4 ] Resource -poor states with their fragile wellness attention systems and installations which do non hold much needed engineering or services necessary to supply critical attention. Due to inefficient i ntervention, and deficiency of accomplishment and supplies many adult females die each twelvemonth. CONCEPTS AND PROGRESS The highest Numberss of births per twelvemonth ( 27 million ) in the universe takes topographic point in India. [ 4 ] It has a maternal mortality of about 300-500 per 100,000 births and about 150000 maternal deceases take topographic point every twelvemonth in India, which is about 20 % of planetary maternal decease. [ 5,6 ] The calamity is these deceases are that they are mostly preventable. Therefore India ‘s proficiency in the decrease of maternal wellness is critical to the planetary accomplishment of Millennium Development Goal 5 ( MDG 5 ) . Based on grounds, intercessions for cut downing maternal mortality should strategically aim the chief causes of maternal decease. EMERGENCY OBESTERTIC CARE ( EMOC ) EMOC is one of the most cost effectual schemes implemented to cut down maternal deceases. [ 7 ] As it has been found that many maternal deceases occur due to obstetric exigencies that erupt all of a sudden at the oncoming of labour or instantly after. Availability of EMOC services in India is extremely lacking due to miss of focal point and limited direction capacity. EMOC was non successfully implemented and the authorities does non supervise how they function. The official attack is to advance institutional bringings and develop community wellness attention. It is doubted that this scheme will hold any consequence as bulk of bringings in India take topographic point at places in distant small towns. In 1992 India launched its first Child Survival and Safe Motherhood plan followed by Reproductive and Child wellness in 1997. [ 8 ] The former plan aimed at advancing medical aid at bringing, proviso of sterile bringing kits and beef uping referral units that deal with high hazard and o bstetric exigencies through Emergency obstetric attention ( EOC ) .The latter plan aimed at direction of unwanted gestations and one of their chief purposes was to supply quality integrated and sustainable primary wellness attention services to adult females of generative age group. [ 8 ] Recently The National Rural Health Mission was launched in 2005 that aimed to specifically make the households populating below the poorness line with much required wellness services. Besides, new reforms which aimed at developing small town wellness attention workers and advancing institutional bringings were to be patronized. [ 9 ] Under the NHRM a new strategy known as `janani express ‘ was launched in a province called Madhya Pradesh to supply nonstop free transit installations to pregnant adult females to wellness attention centres and infirmaries in rural parts thereby guaranting best possible attention when pre and post- bringing exigency conditions would originate both for the female parent and the baby involved. [ 10 ] ANTENATAL, INTRA NATAL AND POSTNATAL CARE The consensus among international organisations and India is that maternal quality attention is required throughout a adult females ‘s generative life. From planing inducements to increase results during from ante-partum period through intra-partum to postpartum period. Promoting maternal and child wellness has been an built-in of the Government of India. Safe maternity and Child wellness services were incorporated into the Reproductive and Child wellness plan ( Ministry of wellness and household public assistance 1997,1998b ) .The of import components of these plans include supplying prenatal attention, which includes at least 3 prenatal attention visits, Fe prophylaxis for pregnant and breastfeeding female parents, observing and handling anaemia in female parents, two doses of lockjaw toxoid vaccinum and direction and referral of bad gestations. Encouragement of institutional bringings or place bringings assisted by trained wellness forces was advocated. Supplying postpartum attention including three postpartum visits. Assorted intercessions such as attempts to turn to and handle postnatal bleeding and infections by supplying Pitocins and antibiotics in wellness attention installations have been implemented. Besides manual remotion of placenta, blood transfusion, hysterectomy processs, intervention of eclampsia with antiepileptics h ave been addressed. [ 11 ] Midwife In pre independent India, many efforts were made for bettering safe obstetrics accomplishments. From puting up an Advisory commission on Maternal mortality in India to constitutions of a `dai ‘s † ( obstetrics ) school in Amristar in 1980. However, the focal point on safe maternity and skilled aid shifted when India adopted new policies. In 1960, to supply indispensable maternal and kid wellness services, India created a model of two twelvemonth trained rural accoucheuse ( ANMs ) .Their appellation as â€Å" auxillairy † unluckily threatened their position and map as accoucheuses though they well fitted the definition of a skilled birth attender. Majority of the ANM ‘s lacked the needed cognition and accomplishments to supply maternal attention and support. Under intense authorities force per unit area, The INC ( Indian nursing council ) revised the ANM preparation class, and the function of ANM changed from a maternal wellness attention worker to household p lanning and immunisation ( 1966 ) .Abolishment of institution-based accoucheuses and replacing them with general nurse accoucheuses led to annulment of these preparation plans that were entirely set up for obstetrics. These general nurses were alternated between sections of the infirmary and are besides automatically registered as accoucheuses. Since most births in India are domiciliary bringings, the demand to supply skilled birth attending at community degree is high. [ 12 ] Besides, in certain countries such as the province of Tamil Nadu, hard currency inducements were provided in a strategy aiming adult females under poorness line known as the Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Scheme to assist adult females back up themselves during gestation period, childbearing and postal natal period through nutrition and equal conveyance. [ 13 ] HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AND POLICIES IN INDIA Improved health-care system ensures decrease of maternal mortality, thereby bettering the general wellness of a state. Measuring and measuring the advancement a state makes poses a challenge. The authorities of India has been implementing assorted jobs to undertake these issues. In 1997, the Reproductive and Child wellness ( RCH ) plan was launched aimed at universalising immunisation, prenatal attention and skilled attending during bringing. Reduction maternal mortality was an of import end RCH-2 that was launched in 2005. Incentives were given to staff to promote round the clock OBs services at wellness attention installations. [ 11 ] The National Rural wellness mission ( NRHM ) which was formed in 2005 aimed at beef uping wellness attention systems in rural countries. Under NRHM, the Janani Suraksha Yojana ( JSY ) plan, the pregnancy benefit strategy, was introduced in 2005, hard currency aid was provided to adult females who deliver in wellness installations. [ 9 ] NGO ‘s s uch as SAHAYOG are working to advance maternal wellness through partnerships with other organisations to increase community adult females ‘s entree to maternal wellness services, besides to advance adult females generative rights. To carry through these aims the Maternal Health and Right plans uses human rights-based attacks through instance certification, runs research, monitoring, protagonism and policy shapers, and media. This plan seeks to understand worlds of maternal wellness. They work at province degree with the aid of Women ‘s Health Rights Forum ( Mahila Swasthya Adhikar Manch ) in raising consciousness of maternal wellness services of rural adult females, at the national degree in edifice alliances around interest holders i.e. adult females, wellness service suppliers and policy shapers for bettering maternal wellness and at the international degree by join forcesing among safe maternity and human rights organisations from around the universe. [ 14 ] Target 5.B: Achieve, by 2015, cosmopolitan entree to reproductive wellness 5.3 Contraceptive prevalence ratey 5.4 Adolescent birth rate 5.5 Antenatal attention coverage ( at least one visit and at least four visits ) 5.6 Unmet demand for household planning Over the decennaries there has been a significant addition in the demand for consciousness of generative wellness in India to control the of all time turning birth rate. In 1951, The Family Welfare Program was set up with an aim of cut downing birth rate and doing it consistent with the demand of national economic system. Besides to confirm the authorities committedness towards the citizens availing generative wellness attention services. Due to increase in fiscal investings of the authorities, assorted plans covering with immunisation, gestation, bringing and preventative and healing wellness has been provided. In order to cut down the birth rate, rubbers and unwritten preventives pills were provided free or sold at subsidised rates. Intrauterine devices such as CU-T were supplied free of cost to all the provinces. [ 15 ] A strategy known as the Sterilization beds strategy was introduced in 1964 in order to supply installations like tubectomy operations in wellness attention centres when instances such as these could non be admitted due to miss of beds. Besides No-Scalpel Vasectomy Project is being implemented to assist work forces follow male sterilisation and therefore implementing male engagement in the race to restrict of all time turning birth rates. [ 16 ] The Integrated Child Development Scheme ( 1975 ) provides supplement nutrition, wellness attention medical examinations before and after bringing and wellness and nutrition instruction to pregnant adult females and chest eating female parents. [ 17 ] Many strategies were introduced with purposes of puting wellness stations in slums countries and supplying referral services affecting distribution of preventives. The 90 ‘s witnessed a alteration in the quality of household planning services, use of contraceptive method etc. During the fifth five twelvemonth program, the Indian authorities designed schemes to advance and actuate household be aftering methods with the aid of an advertisement bureaus of India which was immense measure in a conservative society like India. At the start of the millenary, India aimed at cut downing the birthrate rate by presenting inducements such as providing preventives. India claims to be the first state in the universe to establish a countrywide plan by providing prophylactic devices to restrict the population growing. Many ends from bettering poorness, detaining matrimony, honoring Panchayats and Zilla Parshads for their function in universalising the little household norm, advancing literacy plans, accomplishing decrease birth rates were brought approximately. Besides hard currency inducements were provided to female parents who have their first kid after 19 year of age, honoring twosomes who come below the poorness line if they decide to get married after making legal nubile age of 21. Decision India has shown singular advancement in cut downing maternal mortality by presenting clever alterations within the bing model of organisational set-up, resources and restraints. Overshadowing political precedence and constitutional policies of province authoritiess to cut down maternal mortality has been a steering force. India is traveling easy towards accomplishing mark of MDG 5, but to accomplish them within the stipulated clip bound, it will necessitate to speed up gait of intercessions, despite stray illustrations of advancement, national and planetary attending to maternal and child wellness. REFRENCES [ 1 ] The International Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death – 9th alteration ( ICD9 ) [ 2 ] World Health Organization ( WHO ) , authorsyThe World Health Report 2005: Make Every Mother and Child Count.yGeneva, Switzerland: WHO ; 2005. 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